A Journey Called GRIEF


I am taking an important step tonight. It is a step into the unknown; a step toward a place I have never been. It is a step that will take me on a journey of pain and sorrow, of darkness and light, of laughter and tears. It is a step toward living that began in dying; a step taken by many and desired by none. It is the next step in the journey called GRIEF.

As I sit alone in the room which was ours and now is mine, I sense his presence. It was a strong presence, it still is. I know he is gone, but still he is here. The place that I am is a place of sorrow and pain, but the peace that I feel brings a warmth and a rest to my soul. How can such a place exist?

He was the love of my life. He was my soul mate – I was his bride. We lived the ups and downs of life together for 40 years and had seen precious life grow in the midst of our love. They were three and we two made five. We loved each other well, our family. An uneven road and many curves led us through the adventures of marriage and children, of jobs and LIFE. It may have been sometimes difficult, but it was still so good. Now he is gone – with a gone-ness that has no description. It just is. He is gone and I am lost…except for the strong thread that was interwoven into the weave, of the fabric of our lives together. That thread is our Jesus. The strong fiber of HIS being is the tie between my love, in heaven, and this bride, as I sit quietly in the room which was ours. Our universe has changed and will never be as it was…but the strong tie, that binds us together and with our creator God, is unchanging and everlasting. HE is my strength. HE is my passion. HE is my hope for the next step in this journey called GRIEF.